View from our newsletter archives as we spotlight providing grace and redemption through Christ for prisoners, women in recovery, and military veterans.
August 2024
Get inspired with the work that Xteme Soulutions is doing to build a strong community. Check out the Q+A with BeLoved Atlanta and their work to help restore women escaping from sexual exploitation. And read a powerful testimonial from Epiphany Life Change as they support the spiritual journey of men and women after a period spent behind bars.
March 2024
This month features Serving USA partners that spotlight the need being fulfilled through the love of Jesus Christ. Impactful partners such as God Behind Bars, Jay Cory from Along Side Ministries, Bob Stevenson from World Impact’s Church-based Seminary Director-TUMI. Read more about what the Lord is doing through each ministry!
February 2024
Serving USA spotlights partners that continue to sow seeds of hope, faith, and healing into people’s lives, reaping the impactful testimonies within this month's newsletter. Partners such as Kevin Bailey from Stir Up the Kingdom Ministries (SUTK), Michael Lee from Oasis Center, Testimonies from The RECH Foundation, and so much more!
September 2023
Serving USA is featuring wonderful partners this month, such as Shawntelle Fisher from The SoulFisher Ministries, Scott McLean from Pathway to Freedom, Inc., and Dr. Emery Ailes from LIFELINE University on a mission to building the Kingdom of God by saving the lost and redeeming their stories!
January 2023
We have arrived again to greet a new year. With curiosity, it is in our human nature, as explorers and wanderers, to reach out, to touch, and embrace the unexpected. Serving USA views new experiences as opportunities for growth, which can bring knowledge about ourselves and the world around us.
October 2022
A persistent worldwide problem, domestic violence knows no boundaries. Affecting ten million Americans every year, familial and domestic violence touches on every culture, race, religion, and class via physical and/or emotional abuse, inflicting pain through controlling behaviors of power and dominance.
September 2022
After completing a sentence of imprisonment, walking out of the prison gates is a powerful and emotional time for someone just released. Ideally, they reunite there with friends and loved ones to embrace their freedom after time spent apart. Perhaps cathartic and certainly meaningful, many believe this is when their new life begins.
August 2022
Addiction and dependency appear in a variety of forms, including problem gambling, compulsive shopping, digital addiction, and drug or alcohol abuse. Nearly 15% of Americans are caught up in at least one addictive behavior (1) and many people function in their addiction with what appears to be “normal behavior.”
July 2022
Prison systems in the United States have traditionally focused on punishment and only more recently have they engaged in rehabilitation. With recidivism rates near 70%, successful reentry can prove to be an elusive goal. But if society desires a different outcome, it is important to recognize and overcome the barriers that exist to successful reentry.
June 2022
Since 1980 when Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was officially recognized medically as a condition of major significance and appeared as an operational diagnosis, the concept and long-reaching tentacles of PTSD have continued to evolve. As awareness and acceptance of the realities of this condition subsist, experts are working to find healthier ways to cope with and heal from exposures to significant trauma.
January 2022
Serving USA partners with the most recognized professionals working to prevent human trafficking and slavery in the United States. We have seen prevention begins with education and awareness, and the organizations we support work diligently to offer trainings, resources, and outreach in their communities.