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Serving USA Collaborates with 67 Partner Organizations

Serving USA Collaborates with 67 Partner Organizations across the USA, many of them focused on Supporting Women in Recovery During National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Serving USA (SUSA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to bring grace and

redemption through Christ to incarcerated individuals, women in recovery, and military veterans through a supported network of exceptional partner organizations. SUSA provides funding support and other management resources to create, enhance, and expand high-quality, evidence-based transformational programs. An area of focus of SUSA is women in recovery from human trafficking, domestic violence, homelessness, and addiction.

Since 2010, January has been established as National Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

SUSA is honored to be among the organizations that aim to increase public awareness of human trafficking, educate the public on identifying and preventing trafficking, and provide resources to survivors.

SUSA is proud to walk alongside our partner organization, BeLoved Atlanta, which provides safe homes and a two-year program for survivors of sex trafficking to create a new path in life. Founder and President Amelia Quinn reflects on our partnership:

"BeLoved Atlanta has loved working with Serving USA. As a foundation, they have gone above and beyond by not only providing funding but also resources as they have gifted us coaching opportunities and marketing support. It is a relationship that is built off trust and believing that we will go farther together."

In collaboration with Guardian Group, which partners with law enforcement to prevent sex trafficking through recognition and response training programs, SUSA is equipped with the tools to address alarming facts. CEO and Founder Jeff Keith shares:

"Every day in the U.S. an average of 150,000 new escort ads are posted online, hidden among these are ads for children. Very few organizations are attempting to prevent this from happening to our children. Serving USA has come alongside Guardian Group in our efforts to disrupt and prevent this horrific crime from happening to our children."

The Journal of the American Medical Association published findings that circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic have exacerbated human trafficking statistics. As a result of the economic downturn and widespread job loss, many cannot pay rent and face

homelessness, increasing childhood maltreatment, and hospital statistics of trauma and abuse. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children issued a 2020 report reflecting an increase from 2 million to 4.2 million reports of online exploitation from March to April 2020 (Forbes 2020)

Below are eight more of the 67 total partners that have pledged to collaborate and provide

programs, resources, education to people in need and combat these statistics to work toward a safer tomorrow.

  • Saint Johns Program provides "more than shelter and food" through a structured rehabilitate program that provides access to mental health therapy, drug and alcohol counseling, budgeting and parenting courses, and employment training to women in need.

  • The Marjaree Mason Center supports and empowers adults and children subject to domestic violence through safe housing, legal advising, counseling, crisis support, and education.

  • Abuse Recovery Ministry Services (ARMS) provides trauma-informed recovery groups and has served over 31 thousand women through their 15-week program loosely based on Psalm 23.

  • Emily's Place aims to break the cycle of violence towards women through access to long-term housing and the tools to achieve self-sufficient lives away from abusers.

  • Grit into Grace's mission is to build community and hope in Christ for women at risk of commercial sexual exploitation through mentoring and survivor-led support groups.

  • KHERUT (Keep Her Uplifted and Transformed) helps employ survivors of human trafficking through training and mentorship programs.

  • The National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance is a network of providers committed to enhancing services and access to care through an Alliance Referral System, Membership & Knowledge Center, and Accreditation initiatives.

  • Restoration Ranch of Texas builds the foundation to help women in crisis through their faith-based stages of Foundation, Elevation, and Destination.

  • Wings of Refuge is a Christ-centered organization with a mission to Reach, Recover, Restore and Rise that provides opportunities for education, networking, and 24/7 care to survivors of sex trafficking.

In an effort to expand SUSA’s national reach to provide empathy and activism for those who are considered “forgotten” and most in need of assistance, the organization has set up a donor match program for those interested in giving “through” their existing portal. To join in this support method or to learn about their other missions surrounding prison re-entry, women in recovery and veterans programs, visit

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